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2017年毕业于重庆大学、加拿大麦吉尔(McGill   University)大学联合培养博士。《连铸》期刊青年编委,Metallurgical and   Materials Transactions BJournal of   Non-Crystalline Solids等权威期刊审稿人,以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI/EI论文40余篇,授权发明专利10余项。主要从事冶金熔渣(尤其连铸保护渣)微观结构与理化性能研究、冶金熔渣热力学数据测定与计算、冶金固废资源综合利用等方向的研究工作,主持或参与纵向及产学研课题10余项。



[1]     Chen   Zhang, Ting Wu*a, Jie Lei, Hai-chuan Wang, Qian Wang*b.   First-principles calculation of CaO-Al2O3-CaF2   slag. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2024, 55(1):   105-113.

[2]       Yu-qi Kong, Ting Wu*, Wen-zhi Xia, Wen Yang, Hai-chuan   Wang. Effect of BaO and MgO on structure and properties   of aluminate slag with various CaO/Al2O3. Journal of iron and steel research international,   2024, 31(1): 204–214.

[3]       Chen Zhang, Ting Wu*a, Wen-zhi Xia, Qian Wang,   Zhi-you Liao, Hai-chuan Wang*b. Effect of alkaline oxides on   aluminate slag structure by first principles calculation. Journal of   Molecular Liquids, 2023, 390 (Part B): 123088 (1-7).

[4]     Chen   Zhang, Ting Wu*a, Ping-fan Ren, Hao-ran Shi, Zhi-you Liao,   Hai-chuan Wang*b. Influence Mechanism of F- on the Structure and   Properties of Aluminate-Based Mold Flux. Metallurgical and Materials   Transactions B, 2023, 54(5), 2784–2792.

[5]     Guangda   Bao, Ting Wu*, Jianghua Qi, Wen Yang, Haichuan Wang. Comprehensive effects of alkali oxides and CaO/Al2O3   on the structure and properties of aluminate slag. ISIJ   International, 2023, 63(5): 854–861.

[6]       Wen-zhi Xia, Ting Wu*, Jie Lei, Chen Zhang, Guang-da Bao,   Hai-chuan Wang*. Directional sulfur removal from ladle furnace slag by   electric field strengthening treatment. Steel Research International,   2023, 94(12): 2300182 (1–9).

[7]       Ting Wu, Yu-qi Kong, Jiu-chang Zhang, Xin-yu   Wang, Lei Ma, Tao Yang, Jie Lei, Hong-ming Long*. Agglomeration   and bonding mechanism of typical metallurgical solid wastes. Journal of iron and steel research international, 2023, 30(7): 1390–1400.

[8]       Guang-da   Bao, Ting Wu*, Duo-gang Wang, Xiao-bin Zhou, Hai-chuan Wang.   Multi-model coupling-based dynamic control system of ladle slag in argon   blowing refining process. Journal of iron and steel   research international, 2023, 30(5):926–936.

[9]       Chen   Zhang, Yu-qi Kong, Ting Wu*a, Jie Lei, Guang-da Bao,   Hai-chuan Wang*b. First-principles study on microstructure of   CaO-Al2O3-B2O3 slag. Journal   of Molecular Liquids, 2022, 368, 120738.

[10]    Chen   Zhang, Yu-qi Kong, Ting Wu*, Guang-da Bao, Jie Lei,   Hai-chuan Wang*. Effect of B2O3 on the   structure and properties of aluminate slag. Metallurgical Research &   Technology, 2022, 119 (5):507-517.

[11]    Ting   WuQian-qian LiWen-zhi XiaBing-jie QiuHai-chuan Wang,   Zhi-you Liao*. Effects of typical components on physicochemical   properties of refining slag and sulfur migration enhanced by electric field. Journal   of Sustainable Metallurgy, 2022, 8(3):1180-1190.

[12]    Jie   Lei, Wen Yang, Guang-ye Sheng, Chen Zhang, Ting Wu*,   Hai-chuan Wang*. Effects of BaO content and CaO/Al2O3   ratio on the properties and structure of aluminate slag. Metallurgical and   Materials Transactions B, 2022, 1-9.

[13]    Shama   Sadaf, Jie Lei, Hai-xiang Zhuang, Ting Wu*, Hai-chuan Wang*.   Effective mechanism of BaO on the structure and fluid behavior of CaO-SiO2-B2O3-based   melts. Metallurgical Research & Technology, 2022, 119, 208.

[14]    Ting   Wu,   Wen Yang, Chen Zhang, Haichuan Wang, Jie Lei*. Microstructural   analysis by molecular dynamics simulation of aluminate ternary slag with   alkaline oxide. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2021, 570(2):   121044.

[15]    Ting   Wu,   Elmira Moosavi-Khoonsari, In-Ho Jung*, Estimation of thermodynamic properties   of oxide compounds from polyhedron method. Calphad, 2017,57:107-117.

[16]    Ting   Wu,   Qian Wang, Chengfeng Yu, Shengping He*. Structural and viscosity properties   ofCaO-SiO2-Al2O3-FeO slags based on   moleculardynamic simulation. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2016,   450:23-31.

[17]    Ting   Wu,   Shengping He*, Lilong Zhu, Qian Wang. Study on reaction performances and   applications of mold flux for high-aluminum steel. Materials Transactions,   2016, 57:58-63.

[18]    Ting   Wu,   QianWang*, Tinghua Yao, Shengping He. Molecular dynamics simulations of the structural   properties of Al2O3-based binary systems. Journal of   Non-Crystalline Solids, 2016, 435:17-26.



[1]    吴婷; 王海川; 夏文质; 雷杰; 鲍光达; 廖直友; 张晨; 孔禹琪; 庄海祥; 盛光晔 ; 一种冶金精炼废渣改质循环利用的方法, 2022-11-15, 中国, ZL 202211423585.9

[2]    吴婷; 范鼎东; 陶素芬; 蒲雪峰; 邓爱军 ; 一种预测转炉终渣粘度模型的高效护炉方法, 2019-12-27, 中国, ZL 201911372075.1

[3]    王谦; 吴婷; 何生平 ; 一种高锰高铝钢连铸用结晶器保护渣及其制备方法, 2018-1-9, 中国, ZL201610054349.2

[4]      王谦;   何生平;   吴婷;   徐建飞;   杨颖   ; 一种高铝钢连铸用结晶器保护渣,   2013-8-28, 中国, ZL201110381293.9

/ 科研项目


[1]      国家自然科学基金项目,铝酸盐熔渣结构特征及黏度模型研究,2019-2021,主持

[2]    省部共建耐火材料与冶金国家重点实验室开放基金项目,   冶金熔渣结构多尺度表征及与电导率耦合关系研究, 2023-2025,主持

[3]    安徽省高校重点科研项目,冶金熔渣结构多尺度表征及与性能耦合关系研究,2022-2023,主持

[4]    冶金工程与资源综合利用安徽省重点实验室开放基金项目,精炼渣理化性能及电场强化硫元素迁移机理研究,2022-2023,主持

[5]    产学研项目,适应涟钢品种钢CSP连铸生产要求的保护渣系列化研究开发,2022-2023,主持

/ 教研项目


[1]    安徽省质量工程教学研究项目,冶金工程实验教学改革探索——基于《现代冶金材料分析检测技术》实验教学的思考,2023-2024,主持

[2]    安徽省研究生课程思政示范课程,热力学数据测定与计算,2023-2024,共同主持

[3]    安徽工业大学研究生质量工程,冶金工程专业学位冶金热力学计算与案例分析教学案例库,2023-2024,主持

[4]    安徽工业大学研究生课程思政项目,热力学数据测定与计算,2019-2020,主持

[5]    安徽工业大学线上线下混合式课程,现代冶金材料分析检测技术,2022-2023,主持

[6]    安徽工业大学教学改革项目,现代冶金材料分析检测技术课程教学改革,2020-2022,主持

/ 奖励荣誉


[1]    【表彰奖励】(校级)2021-2022学年本科生导师制优秀指导教师

[2]    【一类教学效果】(全国模拟炼铁-炼钢-轧钢大赛二等奖)高校组炼钢单项,2020

[3]    【二类教学效果】(安徽省模拟炼钢大赛一等奖)转炉炼钢,2021

[4]    【二类教学效果】(全国冶金科技竞赛三等奖)基于电场强化和F耦合作用下精炼废渣除硫的高效循环利用研究,2023

[5]    【二类教学效果】(全国冶金科技竞赛三等奖)转炉炼钢,2022

[6]    【二类教学效果】(冶金青年创新创意大赛三等奖)基于机器学习及数据驱动的智能炼钢技术,2023

[7]    【三类教学效果】(安徽省模拟炼钢大赛二等奖)转炉炼钢,2021




电话:0555-2311571 E-mail:yjxy@ahut.edu.cn

地址:安徽省马鞍山市马向路1530号秀山校区冶金楼 邮编:243032

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