[1] Weiming Liu*; Qiyu Wang; Qingsong Bian; Hongbo Pan; Zhaojin Wu; Fabin Cao ; Role of Cr in the Anticorrosion Ability of Weathering Steel Based on the Microcharacteristics of Synthetic αFeOOH in the Presence of Cr(III), JOM, 2023, 75(8): 3170-3182 [2] Weiming Liu*; Hongbo Pan; Quyu Wang; ChengWu Yao; Fabin Cao; Zhaojin Wu ; Microstructures and corrosion behaviors of nickel-based coating prepared by laser cladding and electroplated hard chromium coating, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2022, 140(1): 106612-106612) [3] Weiming Liu*; Jia Liu; Hongbo Pan; Fabin Cao; Zhaojin Wu; Huihong Lv; Zhiyuan Xu ; Synergisic effect of Mn, Cu, P with Cr content on the corrosion behavior of weathering steel as atrain under the simulated industrial atmosphere, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 834(1): 1-11 [4] Weiming Liu*; Hongbo Pan; Liaosha Li; Zhaojin Wu; Huihong Lv; Zhaojin Wu; Fabin Cao; Jianhua Zhu ; Corrosion behavior of the high strength low alloy steel joined by vertical electrogas welding and submerged arc welding methods, Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 2017, 26(1): 418-425 [5] Weiming Liu*; Qingjun Zhou;Liaosha Li. Effect of alloy element on corrosion behavior of the huge crude oil storage tank steel in seawater. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014, 598:198~204.
/ 专 利 |
[1] 刘伟明; 潘红波; 曹发斌; 吴照金; 武杏荣 ; 一种不锈钢表面电解粗化剂及其粗化方法, 2022-06- 03, 中国, CN202110965219.5 (专 |
/ 科研项目 |
[1] 安徽省教育厅, 安徽省教育厅重点项目, KJ2017A046, 列车用钢在服役环境中腐蚀锈层演变机制和影响因素的研究, 2017-01 至 2018-12, 6万元, 结题, 主持 [2] 安徽省科技厅, 安徽省重大攻关项目, 15czz02036, 重载高强高耐候先进钢结构及制造技术, 2016-01至 2017-12, 200万元, 结题, 参与 [3] 安徽省科技厅, 安徽省自然科学基金面上项目, 1408085MKL34, 油井钢在CO2-H2S-NaCl腐蚀环境中腐蚀机理和腐蚀产物膜特性的研究, 2015-01 至 2016-12, 8万元, 结题, 主持 |